Awesome Screenwriting Software 📝
I’m sure there are more people like me out there. The type of creative folk that have some ideas out on paper but nit-picky enough to want to do it in the “proper way”. If you want to write a screenplay but just don’t know your way around the format, you’ve stumbled onto the right place.
#Elegant Screenwriting
I’ve recently came across a free Mac app called Beat. It’s truly awesome and comes with tutorial scripts that show you the ropes of proper screenplay formatting. To note, the provided tutorial scripts also cover Novel creation.
The team behind Beat promises to keep the application free of costs indefinitely with the only the iPad version requiring a one-time cost in case you want to create on the go. They also have a Patreon that allows creators to support them. Beat Patreon Link.
So what are the downsides of Beat? The only one I see so far is that it’s Mac only, so all of my Window only users are unfortunately left out in the cold 🥶. I use both MacOS and Windows depending on what my creative needs are, so it would be great is the application was offered on Windows in the future. Keeping one's fingers crossed.